It Is Finished!
It has been some time since I updated my coffee table project. I have been applying a finish to the tabletop, which took a couple of attempts. I also reattached the base as I was unhappy with how it looked the first time around.
The finishing conundrum came after I applied my “final” coat of satin gloss polyurethane. I had expected it to take down the extreme gloss and still show off the stunning figure … nope. The figure of the tabletop was really diminished … and as that is really the hero of the table, I needed to fix that. To do so I aggressively rubbed the top down with paste wax and 0000 steel wool and then polished it off with a lambswool buffer. I was pleased with that how that turned out. Plus, the coat of wax made the tabletop feel so silky smooth. The chatoyance of the figure presents nearly a 3D effect on many of the curly sections. It is an exceptional piece of wood and truly deserved an excellent finish.
I will be putting the coffee table up for sale at the end of this month. It still needs to star in a short video that will appear on the WGOA … so it is biding its time until then.
Like almost every project I build, there are details that I would change about it. But unlike earlier in my career, I won’t be pointing them out.
I am on to a couple of new projects that I will be writing about. Next up, finishing an F-Style mandolin. Stay tuned.