Kentucky Yellowwood?

What will this chunk of wood become? Come back to this blog later this week to find out!

My source of cool woodturning species, an arborist in the Twin Cities area, sent me a text asking if I would like a few pieces of Kentucky yellowwood. I said yes right away.

To be honest, I had never heard of Kentucky yellowwood. Spencer told me that he had never seen or heard of it … and I wondered if it was a case of mistaken identity. But sure enough there is such a species, it’s just that this Yankee boy had never heard of it.

A quick use of the google told me that it was a good wood to use on the lathe, and that is what I will be doing this week. I’ve got a paying job to get through (what a pain) and then onto the fun. Stay tuned here to see what comes of this experiment!


KY Yellowwood Bowl!


Upgrading My CNC Router